Travel Through Life with Me

Good Tuesday morning, friends! Given that the name of my blog is the not-so-perfect life , I will start blogging about one of the not-so-perfect about me. And here is my story.

I've struggled with weight problems after giving birth to my first baby. But for the past two years, I've been eating more and more frequently and has gained 40 pounds. I've been uneasy about my weight gain. I hate the way I look ,family starts to get worried , other people also starts to observed that every time they see me I became bigger and bigger. I am fully aware that I'm becoming unhealthy and at risk of getting sick. But I don't know how to stop my out-of-control eating. I've been trying to eat normally, but as the day goes on the craving gets stronger and stronger. During out of town trips, I tend to eat a lot so that I won't sleep . Once alone, in the hotel room I pig out as a compensation for being alone. If I get stressed, I eat and eat. If I'm happy, I eat and eat. After that, I criticize myself for being such a pig , but deep down in me I know it won't be long until I eat and eat and eat again.
 Am I addicted to food? 

These past few months,  I become more conscious of my body , I tend to exercise and watch what I eat. But, it was just good on the first few days but as the days go on I go back to my unhealthy ways again.  I was hopeless and desperate to loss weight. I've tried  many ways... but it served futile. I lack discipline and self-control. 

This time around,  I've been exerting effort to know the underlying reasons why I've been over-eating. I just don't focus on how to get back in shape again but I tried to know myself, why I've been like this. And I discovered that I've been suffering from emotional eating. I used food to cope with stress and other negative emotions. If I don't acknowledge this, this will lead to binge eating disorder. 

After knowing all these facts, I've been figuring out how to release stress and negative emotions aside from eating. I'll blog that as soon as I've figured it out or you can help me too! I know, this is not my journey alone. I need support from love ones and friends. Or from a stranger...anyway I do accept unsolicited advices. 

By the way, if you can relate to my story...better check below the signs of emotional eating.   Happy eating! Errr... happy reading... 
Signs of Emotional Eating / Using food to:

  • fill a void in your life
  • feel better or cheer yourself up
  • calm down or soothe your nerves
  • escape from problems
  • cope with stress and worries
  • reward yourself